· By Woncheol Lee
Am I really dehydrated?
Have you ever experienced dehydration? The portrayal of dehydration in movies or media often depicts extremely dire situations in deserts or remote areas where water is scarce. Through the parched lips and raspy breaths of actors, we indirectly experience the tremendous suffering associated with dehydration. While experiencing severe dehydration like the protagonists in movies is rare unless living in extremely hot conditions, dehydration is closer to us than we might think.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a daily water intake of at least 2 liters (67 ounces) for adult men. However, due to individual variations in physical characteristics and living environments, some people may need more than this recommended amount. Surprisingly, a significant portion of the global population (over 70%) consumes less water than the WHO's recommendation. It's common to think that daily intake of coffee, tea, and other beverages eliminates the need for 2 liters of water. However, not all drinks are suitable for proper hydration.
The water, beverages, and food we consume undergo digestion and absorption in our body's intestines. The body uses a process called 'osmotic pressure' during absorption. In simple terms, osmotic pressure refers to the movement of 'water' towards an area of higher concentration when a higher concentration solution meets a lower concentration solution. Beverages consumed for pleasure rather than hydration often have a higher concentration than water, potentially hindering proper hydration or, in severe cases, leading to dehydration.
Even a 1-2% deficiency in body water can be considered a state of dehydration. While this percentage may seem small numerically, mild symptoms such as dry mouth and mild dizziness can occur. These mild signs of dehydration are often overlooked in daily life. As the WHO warns, chronic dehydration, where individuals are constantly exposed to a state of mild dehydration due to insufficient water intake, can lead to various problems in our daily lives, including chronic indigestion, obesity, and fatigue. While drinking enough water daily is an effective way to address this, understanding the principles of how our bodies digest can provide more insight. Excessive water intake can excessively lower sodium levels in the body, leading to hyponatremia. Additionally, if one continuously consumes non-water beverages, the osmotic pressure may lead to dehydration.
Therefore, the most effective method for correcting dehydration is Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS). ORS fundamentally restores hydration through the optimal ratio of sodium and glucose. Does this mean glucose intake is inevitable for effective hydration? Amino Acid-based ORS (AA-ORS) substitutes glucose with amino acids, operating on the same principles as traditional ORS but allowing for effective hydration without glucose. IV2, based on the scientific principles of AA-ORS, achieves optimal hydration effects without glucose.